Funny stories about Yorkshire Terriers


Hilarious Yorkshire Terrier Mishaps

Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies as they are affectionately called, are known for their small size but big personalities. These little dogs may be pint-sized, but they have a knack for getting into all sorts of mischief. From stealing socks to barking at their own reflection, Yorkies are full of surprises. Here are some funny stories about Yorkshire Terriers that will have you laughing out loud.

My Yorkie Toto is the boss of the house, she rules the roost. When we offer to let them out in the back yard she stands at the door and chases our Boxer Jazmine out the door nipping at her heels and yapping the whole time. When we feed them we have to watch or she will sneak over to Jazmine’s bowl and start eating out of it though she has the same food. When she does this Jazmine steps back, and lets her eat, goes over to Toto’s bowl and cleans it out, then waits for Toto to leave to finish her bowl.

One Yorkie owner, Sarah, recalls a time when her pup, Max, decided to take matters into his own paws. Max had a habit of stealing socks and hiding them in his bed. One day, Sarah came home to find her entire sock drawer emptied out and scattered around the house. Max had been busy collecting his loot while she was away. It was a hilarious sight to see the tiny dog surrounded by a mountain of socks, looking quite pleased with himself.

Another Yorkie owner, Mark, tells the tale of his dog, Bella, and her obsession with her own reflection. Bella would spend hours barking at herself in the mirror, convinced that there was another dog in the room. Mark tried everything to distract her, but Bella was determined to have a showdown with her mirror image. It was a comical sight to see the tiny Yorkie puffing up her chest and growling at her own reflection.

Yorkies are also known for their stubborn streak, as Jane found out with her dog, Charlie. Charlie had a habit of refusing to go for walks unless he felt like it. One day, Jane tried to coax him outside with treats and toys, but Charlie was having none of it. Instead, he plopped himself down on the floor and refused to budge. Jane ended up having to carry the little rascal outside, much to the amusement of her neighbors.

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One of the funniest stories comes from Tom, who found out the hard way that Yorkies are not fans of water. His dog, Lucy, had never been a fan of baths, but one day she decided to take matters into her own hands. Tom came home to find Lucy covered in mud, having rolled around in a puddle in the backyard. When he tried to give her a bath, Lucy put up a fight like no other. It was a hilarious battle of wills between man and dog, with Lucy coming out victorious in the end.

One owner learned this the hard way when trying to teach her pup new tricks. Despite her best efforts, her Yorkie refused to listen and would often do the opposite of what she asked. One day, she tried to teach him how to roll over, but instead of rolling, he decided to flop onto his back and wiggle around like a fish out of water. It was a hilarious sight that left her in stitches, realizing that her Yorkie had a mind of his own.

One of the funniest stories about Yorkshire Terriers involves a pup who had a love-hate relationship with the vacuum cleaner. Every time the vacuum came out, he would bark and growl at it, convinced that it was his mortal enemy. But as soon as the vacuum was turned off, he would pounce on it and try to wrestle with the hose. It was a comical sight to see this tiny dog taking on a household appliance, showing no fear in the face of danger.

Yorkies may be small in size, but they have a big personality that never fails to entertain. Whether they’re causing chaos in the living room or playing tug-of-war with a sock, these little dogs know how to keep their owners on their toes. Their funny antics bring joy and laughter to those around them, making them beloved companions for many. So the next time your Yorkie does something silly, just sit back and enjoy the show – you never know what hilarious antics they’ll come up with next.

Laugh Out Loud Yorkshire Terrier Tales

These pint-sized pups have a way of bringing joy and laughter into the lives of their owners with their playful antics and quirky behavior. If you’ve ever owned a Yorkshire Terrier, you know that they are full of surprises and always keep you on your toes. Here are some funny stories about Yorkshire Terriers that are sure to make you laugh out loud.

One Yorkie owner recalls a time when her pup decided to take matters into his own paws and redecorate the living room. She came home from work one day to find that her Yorkie had taken all of the throw pillows off the couch and arranged them in a neat pile in the corner of the room. It was as if he was trying to create his own little pillow fort. While she couldn’t help but laugh at the sight, she couldn’t help but wonder what other mischief he had gotten into while she was away.

Another Yorkie owner shares a hilarious story about her pup’s love for socks. No matter how many times she tried to keep her socks out of reach, her Yorkie always managed to find them. One day, she caught him parading around the house with a sock in his mouth, looking quite pleased with himself. She couldn’t help but chuckle at his mischievous grin as he pranced around like he had just won a prize. It was a constant battle trying to keep her socks safe from her sock-stealing Yorkie.

Yorkshire Terriers are known for their feisty personalities, and one owner learned this the hard way when her pup decided to take on a much larger opponent. While out for a walk in the park, her Yorkie spotted a big dog across the way and immediately went into attack mode. Despite his small size, he had no fear as he barked and growled at the much larger dog. The owner had to quickly scoop him up before he got himself into trouble, but she couldn’t help but admire his bravery and determination.

One of the funniest things about Yorkshire Terriers is their love for attention, and one owner’s pup took this to a whole new level. Whenever guests would come over, her Yorkie would put on a show, doing tricks and showing off his best dance moves in an attempt to steal the spotlight. He would prance around the room, wagging his tail and barking for attention, making sure that all eyes were on him. It was impossible not to laugh at his antics and the way he demanded to be the center of attention.

Yorkshire Terriers may be small in size, but they have a big personality that never fails to entertain. Whether they’re redecorating the living room, stealing socks, taking on bigger opponents, or demanding attention, these little pups always find a way to bring laughter and joy into the lives of their owners. If you’ve ever owned a Yorkshire Terrier, you know that they are full of surprises and always keep you laughing. So next time your Yorkie does something funny, just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

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